Neon True Colors Tent Stripe Lunar

£16.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Neon True Colors Tent Stripe Karma

£16.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Neon True Colors Tent Stripe Cosmic

£16.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Neon True Colors Tent Stripe Aura

£16.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Stripe Black On Oxford Cloth

£14.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton medium weight oxford cloth. We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Stripe Honey On Oxford Cloth

£14.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton medium weight oxford cloth. We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Stripe Pink On Oxford Cloth

£14.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton medium weight oxford cloth. We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

BeColourful Teal Stripe

£17.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

BeColourful Black Rainbow Stripe

£17.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

BeColourful Purple Stripe

£17.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

BeColourful Gray Stripe

£17.30 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Darling Chevron Stripe Tan

£15.50 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Darling Chevron Stripe Light Blue

£15.50 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Darling Chevron Stripe Pink

£15.50 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Green Thumb Moss Emerald

£15.00 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton. We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Green Thumb Stripe Cymbidium

£15.00 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton. We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Art Journal Ticket Rolls Multi

£16.00 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton. We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Art Journal Ticket Rolls White

£16.00 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton. We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Art Journal Ticket Rolls Coral

£16.00 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton. We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Meadowmere Petal Stripes Night

£15.60 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Meadowmere Petal Stripes Poppy

£15.60 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Meadowmere Petal Stripes Forest

£15.60 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Kaffe Fassett Collective February 2023 Shiraz Contrast

£16.00 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Zinnia Down Pour – Lake

£15.50 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Zinnia Down Pour – Ruby

£15.50 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Zinnia Down Pour – Rainbow

£15.50 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this – eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Petunia Gingham Hydragea

£16.00 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Petunia Gingham Macaron

£16.00 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Petunia Gingham Flamingo

£16.00 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% cotton We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.

Primrose Morning Ray Fern

£13.70 /metre
Price per metre, 110cm wide, 100% quilting weight cotton. We sell fabric in 5cm cuts with a minimum of 0.25 metres. If you order 0.25 metres this will come as a fat quarter (50cm x 55cm). Any amount over this - eg 0.5 metres, will come as the amount you want cut by the width of fabric (eg 50cm x 110cm). Please enter required length in the box and then press add to cart button.